Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Activity Ideas for teaching Writing

  1. Ask students to be inspired by real-life situations.
  2. Ask students to create an email dialogue about the book they are reading.
  3. Students may write between each other.
  4. Students can draw rich chunks from different types of writing.
  5. Find significative words related to student’s lives to construct a vocabulary.
  6. Let students ask questions about their own writing.
  7. Help students analyze text by asking them to imagine dialogue between authors.
  8. Use brainstorming to help students get inspired by specific topics.
  9. Ask students to reflect on and write about their writing.
  10. Use casual discussion about students’ lives to generate writing.
  11. Give students a chance to write to an audience for real purpose.
  12. Practice and play with revision techniques.
  13. Make grammar instruction dynamic.
  14. Ask students to experiment with sentence length.
  15. Asks students to make a written argument for the grade they think they should receive.
  16.  Basic writing about social issues or real world situations that are important to students.
  17.  Make student’s writing something important for the school, like allow classroom writing to take a page from yearbook writing.

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