My complete name is Mariandré Ricci. People use to call me Mané. I have been teaching for 2 years. Last year I was on a teaching trainee program, which was kind of useful for me, however I didn't enjoy at all, I guess there was a lack of information and methods. I also taught for 2 months, to 6 year old kids, honestly, it was amazing, I loved that stage because they are more independent, they already know to write and they have fun most of the day! Of course, it was exhausting, they required a lot of attention and explanations, it was challenging but a great experience to grow up as a teacher. This yeatechnology nowadays, the ability they have to use it and how much do they learn by using it in the correct way. I think I'm learning to teach in a very technological way. The school english system is based on a program that implies the use of projectors, ipads and ❤the online book. I used to think teachers still teach in the same way they taught 10 years ago, when I was a student. But it is so challenging and difficult to know the right activities and tasks in order to keep the student's attention. I finally got used to the school. Everyday we start dancing, then we play based on the topic in order to introduce it, and finally I project the book page on the board and they work in pairs or groups most of the time. It's great letting students share and learn how to work with different classmates. In conclusion, I'm enjoying it! It's an amazing experience. A completely different way of teaching. Even I'm a Montessori teacher, I think other teaching methods are great and useful as well! Honestly, when I started ESL carreer, I wasn't sure about it, it used to be my plan B, because I love so many fields. However, learning to become a teacher at the university and experiencing at a school has change my mind. I figured out I really want to grow in this field, keep teaching English and learning from everything! Now, I just want to finish the Profesorado, because it is longer for me; but then, I would like to take the Licenciatura and probably some other courses or carreers related to teaching.
I started working as an Elementary teacher. I do love it! It's completely different in every single way. I'm impressed about children needs.
Since I graduated, I have been taking different Diplomados. I love being busy. So every afternoon I study something else. I've taken an Interior Design Diplomado, an Illustrator Diplomado, a Montessori Diplomado, a Wedding Planner Diplomado, and a Professional Makeup Artist Diplomado. Actually, I love being involved in so many fields, I enjoy learning different things! I love having enough time to do this! Now, I think I want to take a Lettering Course, Sign Language, and Sworn Translation Diplomado.
I decided to take advantage of every single day. This year I'm trying different things. Since my boyfriend went to USA to study Aviation for 1 complete year, I used to feel kind of lonely. It has been a very hard experience. Gratefully, our 4-year relationship is getting strength everyday. We still feel the same and talk every night. We both are supporting each other. He's kind of proud about the teacher I had become. I'm very happy about his profession as well.
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